Road Accidents in UK

EDA of Road Accidents in UK 2010-14

  • Introduction

Accidents data can be used for numerous applications such as real-time accident prediction, studying accident hotspot locations, casualty analysis and extracting cause and effect rules to predict accidents, and studying the impact of vehicle age, road conditions, speed limits, environmental stimuli and road conditions on accident occurrence. This dataset contains the data of road accidents happened in U.K. within the time frame of 2010-2014. The data is very extensive, so it can give many insights on accidents. It contains location information, vehicle information, weather information, driver information, time of accidents etc.

  • Research questions

    1. What are the factors those are more correlated to severity of accidents?
    2. Is vehicle power something to do with accidents?
    3. Is a particular day of time, when accidents happens more?
    4. Is number of accidents vary by road types?
    5. Is accidents increase in winter season ?
  • Approach

If required the data will be normalized and cleaned. If null values are present in data, I need to take care of them by either removing those reocrds or using mean value from that column. After cleaning the data, I will analyze data to try answering research questions. While analyzing I will try to use graphs to support/better understand the data.

  • Data

Source Link:

Columns in the dataset:

  1. Accident_Index: Accident index
  2. Latitude: Accident latitude
  3. Longitude: Accident longitude
  4. Region: Accident region
  5. Urban_or_Rural_Area: Accident area (rural or urban)
  6. X1st_Road_Class: Accident road class
  7. Driver_IMD_Decile: Road IMD Decile
  8. Speed_limit: Road speed
  9. Road_Type: Road type
  10. Road_Surface_Conditions: Road surface condition
  11. Weather: Weather
  12. High_Wind: High wind
  13. Lights: Road lights
  14. Datetime: Accident datetime
  15. Year: Accident year
  16. Season: Accident season
  17. Month_of_Year: Accident month
  18. Day_of_Month: Accident day of month
  19. Day_of_Week: Accident day of week
  20. Hour_of_Day: Accident hour of day
  21. Number_of_Vehicles: Accident number of vehicles
  22. Age_of_Driver: Driver age
  23. Age_of_Vehicle: Vehicle age
  24. Junction_Detail: Accident junction detail
  25. Junction_Location: Accident junction location
  26. X1st_Point_of_Impact: Vehicle first point of impact
  27. Driver_Journey_Purpose: Driver journey purpose
  28. Engine_CC: Vehicle engine power (in CC
  29. Propulsion_Code: Vehicle propulsion code
  30. Vehicle_Make: Vehicle make
  31. Vehicle_Category: Vehicle category
  32. Vehicle_Manoeuvre: Vehicle manoeuvre
  33. Accident_Severity: Accident severity

This data is from 2010 through 2014. The dataset is very extensive with location information, vehicle information, weather information, driver information, time of accidents.

## References: